Where do I start with SQL Server

When I first started learning SQL Server I had no idea where to start, it is overwhelming there is so much to learn and nothing really concrete on where to start.

For me I installed SQL Server Express on my laptop, loaded in a database and started playing with the language, coming up with scenarios as I went to learn as much as I could.

Learning something like T-SQL can be overwhelming, so, we have put together some resources below to get you started.

Watch Brent’s Learn how to think like the SQL Server Engine knowing how SQL Server actually decides to process your code will pay off in the long run and is foundational.

Once you are ready to actually start writing some code Download & Install SQL Server Management Studio then install SQL Express or SQL Developer Edition on your computer or laptop they are both free, If you are unsure how to install SQL Server watch this.

You can then Download a copy of the stack overflow database and attach it to the SQL Instance you just installed

Now the fun begins, Brent wrote a series of posts that teaches you how to Query SQL Server with the StackOverflow Database buy yourself this book and give it a read, it is good to keep on hand, it is one of them books you will find yourself going back to over and over, once you are a bit more experienced buy this

Code Academy also has a course on SQL that you can take or you could check out this course on udemy

If you would like to get involved with the community and stay up to date with what is going on with everything SQL Server / Data you could follow this list created by Brent on twitter join the SQL Server Community on Slack or this SQL Server Community over on Discord.

Happy SQLing