The Future Of Rich In SQL

Rich In SQL as a blog turns 12 months old this year, although I have been periodically posting to a blog of some kind on and off for a few years, but now I want to take this little corner of the web a little bit further than just a blog, so with that I am launching version 2.0 of Rich In SQL.

The new site as you will notice if you have been here before looks a little different to the previous version, the colour scheme is still the same (we do love orange) but the focus is more on what we can offer rather than just our blog articles.

Old Version

The old version of the site focussed more on blog posts and everything else was hidden away

richinsql version 1

New Version

Now blog posts share the main stage with all the other content, if you want to see just blog posts you can absoloutley do that from the top menu but the home page brings you all of our content in one place.

richinsql version 2

Select *

The new version of the site also includes our very own newsletter, if you want to keep up with all the goings on here at Rich In SQL including some behind the scenes bits we won’t post on the blog, SELECT * is where you will get all that.

We won’t send you any of that nasty spam either, nobody likes that.

What you waiting for, sign up - or don’t it is up to you of course.

Rich Monitoring

Along with pushing version 2 of the site live I am also releasing a new open source tool that we are developing in house, this tool is called RichMonitoring and it will inventory your SQL Server and collect lots of juicy information about all kinds of things although we selected just a few metrics for the initial release.

You can find out more about that here

Rich In SQL Community

Finally, we are also opening the doors to our very own Community, here you can ask questions about all kinds of things, from SQL Server to C# and PowerShell to Python, we want to build a friendly community for like minded data lovers just like us.

There is quite a lot to digest there so I will cut this post short but hopefully this is the start of something really exciting.